Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Goths and Politics Don't Mix

Part of the reason I love hanging around the alternative crowd is that politics doesn't get mentioned much. Most goths hate politics with an utter passion. True we'll get into things if something is outrageously wrong, but honestly we don't really get into it. Yes, unfair things happen in politics, we're used to being treated unfairly every single day and being judged every single day by outsiders.
Unfortunately, we've come to a point where something outrageously wrong has happened once again. Not too long ago our wonderful governor (yes, that is laced heavily with sarcasm) Tom Corbett has demonstrated just what idiots can get elected into office thanks to a lot of flash and mudslinging. His budget cuts are going to hit hard on a group that doesn't even have the ability to vote yet. It's also going to hit a group that depends on this system that is being ripped out from underneath them in order to go forward with their lives. Students from kindergarten to college are going to suffer from this misplaced form of saving. I'm barely missing the whiplash from this plan since I'm graduating in April.
My favorite part in his justification of the cuts is the separating the "must haves from the nice-to haves." Excuse me Corbett, but do you HAVE to have a huge salary for being a politician? Do all politicians HAVE to get paid ginormous salaries? Do politicians HAVE to be able to avoid taxes so long as they've served a full term? NO. Those are the nice-to haves. Start living by your own words and maybe you'd get more support and respect from the common people.
You know what would be a nice thing to have? Politicians that give a damn about the common people and not the fat bastards sitting on their asses and passing laws that provide breaks for the already-filthy-freaking rich.
See this is what happens when you get a goth on the subject of politics... Raging anger happens.

1 comment:

  1. amen. when you read this in class, i could tell how worked up you were about it. i'm not gothic, but i hate politics too. however, i also am not afraid to voice my opinion when i strongly believe that someone's being screwed over.
