Thursday, February 27, 2014

Books That Bring The Horror

So tonight's been the usual... unfortunately. Came home from the job I hate to an empty apartment, read a little bit, made myself some dinner, and then settled in to do some drawing. Once my ankles and knees were thoroughly stiff from not moving for the better part of two hours then I checked Facebook. Yes, even I have a Facebook. I'm an introverted misanthrope, how else am I supposed to keep up with the few friends that I have? Anyway, I'm scrolling through my feed and one of the first posts I notice is one from the matron of Vampire novels herself, Anne Rice. If you haven't at least heard of Anne Rice you can no longer be considered a Goth. Sorry, but them's the rules. But I have a high level of confidence that if you're reading this blog, then you have heard of her if not obsessively read the Vampire chronicles and at least watched Queen of the Damned.
Anyway, the post that I happened upon was a list that Mrs. Rice had pulled from the Huffington Post. And it was none other than a list of horror books guaranteed to freak you out. Now while I've had a few brushes with horror novels, the good ones are hard to come by. Especially when most local bookstores don't have a convenient "Creep the Living Hell Out of You" section readily available. So when you come across lists like these, it makes you nearly jump with joy that there is hope that you'll spend a few more nights huddled under the blankets, completely sleepless with terror because of a book. O.K. I'll admit, there aren't many people who hope for things like that when referring to a book, but I am a bibliophile and nothing will ever change that. I'll take a good creepy book any day over a creepy movie, and this list looks like it has some very promising titles. on it. Then again when any list includes Pet Sematary by the legendary Stephen King and American Psycho, you know you've got to trust it.
Once I finally get my hands on all these gems, I'll be sure to post about it!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Rockstar Metal Mayhem 2014

It's time to once again mark your calendars my little gothlings! The tour dates for our favorite, Rockstar Metal Mayhem, have been released at long last! Head on over to the site and see when the headbanging will be in your town. As far as Pittsburgh goes, we're ready to get geared up on July 26th for our day! They've already announced that the official band list will be released on March 31st so be sure to keep checking back. So far we have Korn and Avenged Sevenfold rumored to be headlining this year, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Germaine's New Appearance

As we all know, in the last episode of Foamy the Squirrel, Germaine has tried out a new look which includes a breast reduction. Now I've got to give Germaine props on this one. Big boobs might be nice to look at and get you big tips, but in reality they're nothing but a huge pain. No literally, those things can and will mess shit up with your back. But the breast reduction also now offers Germaine a slight reprieve from her pizza-delivery stalker...

This may seem weird but I do kind of know where Germaine is coming from when she says she feels rejected. Even if the dude's a major creeper, when you find out that they only valued you for your appearance and didn't even give a thought to your personality or your brain, it hurts. Especially when you do something to change your appearance that they don't like because then it makes you feel ugly on top of it. Guys, you've just seen a small sliver of what goes on in a woman's mind... you're welcome.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Regardless of whether you grew up to be an Undergrounder or not, Disney was most likely one of the pillars of your childhood. And one of the classics was the story of Sleeping Beauty. This particular Disney movie also yielded one of my favorite villains... Maleficent.

As I've mentioned in an earlier post, goths tend to relate a lot to Disney villains and villainesses (when you skip over the destroying happiness and the world etc.). Maleficent is no different. And now, she's getting revamped for a new audience!

Angelina Jolie takes the spotlight as the main role in the upcoming Disney movie all about Princess Aurora's enemy. And I am so psyched for it! You almost never see what a story's like from the opposite perspective, and it's even rarer to see it coming from Disney. But this time the Princess takes a backseat and we get to learn all about what made Maleficent into the awesome baddie that she is. Just the fact that the King and Queen didn't invite her  to Aurora's celebration and practically insulted her already doesn't give the kingdom a whole lot of credit for the treatment she's received. True, it's no excuse for cursing an innocent child, but hey, everyone has their breaking point. Maybe that was just the final straw? Well, we'll find out on May 30th! 


Edit : It's not Angelina Jolie singing as I previously thought. It's actually Lana Del Rey... Their voices sound way too similar. At least to me.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Song of the Day : Dirtygrrrls/Dirtybois by Faderhead

I'm pretty sure the only reason I managed to get through Pittsburgh traffic today was because of this song. It then proceeded to get stuck in my head for the remainder of the night... Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Goth and Geek Videos (Just for Fun)

I have been slightly lax on keeping up with the Foamy episodes, and for that I apologize. Also I've neglected some of the finer points of the upcoming release for the new season of Game of Thrones. So hopefully this all makes up for it :)


P.S. Some more exciting news... Game of Thrones Season 3 will be on DVD on February 18th! Only 7 more days to go!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Pop Culture Goths Can Enjoy

As a general rule, Goths don't tend to enjoy some of the aspects of pop culture. O.K. who am I kidding? Goths don't tend to enjoy any of the aspects of pop culture. Why, you may ask? The very definition of pop culture is made up of things that are meant to flare up with popularity and then die off in two years tops. That's even setting aside the fact that pop music has been on a... suicidal decline since the late 90's. Yes, a few grains of decent music and clothing can be found when you dig really deep. Even I have a couple Katy Perry and Rhianna songs on my phone. Yes, I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that and please do not use it against me. But realistically, pop culture of the 21st century is responsible for bringing us twerking and Justin Beiber, need I elaborate further? Didn't think so...

Yet despite all of its mind-numbing, rhetorical, and gods-awful aspects, one culture has managed to take the "pop" culture and given us something awesome along with it. If I may direct your attention to the video below, the explanation can begin...

This particular band is called SHINee and they are a K-Pop band, or Korean pop. Yes, that's right... Korea! Korea has managed to take pop music and turned it into something that I literally can't get enough of. And I'm not the only one either. Almost every goth or punk that I've introduced to this music instantly tunes into it. Then again most of the goths and punks I know are the type that would live at a goth club if given half a chance. And really what would be better to dance to than this? It's got awesome techno beats, some kickin' bass, and very hott Korean boys... O.K. that's not what turns everyone onto it but it never hurts. So get and get addicted like I did...

And yes there's hott Korean girls for you too