Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Avengers is on DVD!

Attention everyone! Now you can take earth's greatest (no to mention hottest) heroes home with you starting today! If you still don't know what it's about check out this old blog post and get yourself up to speed. I picked it up on my way home from work and I already watched it. There's no getting around it, this movie is completely awesome! And no, it's not just because of Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Robert Downey Jr.... Well... Ok, they're a big slice of it... A big hunky slice of it. Ok, I need to stop...

OK, now I'm done, I promise. Seriously though, this movie kicks ass and if you haven't gotten it yet or haven't seen it yet (where the hell have you BEEN if you haven't!) go and get it now! You can pick up the regular DVD for $15 bucks at Walmart. If a broke goth chick like me can spare $15 bucks to get it, so can you. Then you can enjoy the awesomeness that is The Avengers... And enjoy some of the most hilarious Hulk moments I've ever see. Like these... 

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Furbies Are Back...

Ok, I heard about this and all I could ask is... Why?! J-j-just WHY?! I had one of these demon-possessed toys when I was a kid. You know how long it took before I ripped the batteries out of the thing and shoved it in the closet so it would never again see the light of day? About long enough for the friend who bought the damn thing for me to leave my birthday party... That was one weird toy that no alternative-based kid has ever gotten behind. Even my boyfriend and his friends had bad experiences with one. Let me explain...

A couple of his friends decided that it would be funny to leave their furby in front of the television all day, since those things were supposed to be able to learn to speak just from listening. I doubt it was anything severe enough to warrant its ban from any government building, but it's still pretty funny to think about. Anyway... The friends come home and the furby is only saying one phrase over and over again... Apparently, The Exorcist had come on during the time that they'd left the television running and they came home to the furby saying nothing but "FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" Yup, out of everything that furby heard on the T.V. all day, it decided to pick up on one of the most infamous horror movies of all time. Needless to say, the couldn't get the thing to shut up, so my boyfriend suggested taking the batteries out. Well, according to his friend, it still kept talking after the batteries were ripped out... Creepy no?

So my question is this... What in the hell possessed (no pun intended) these freaking toy-makers to bring back one of the creepiest and most annoying toys to date back? And what's worse is that they can actually move! They can bop around and from the commercials, it looks like they talk a hell of a lot more than the old ones. Which, incidentally, was the worse part about them. They're like those stupid Fijit toys with fur and beaks!

And, oh gods, I just realized while looking for a picture that they gave them tails... WHY! WHY?!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The New Modification: Bagelheads

As I sit here writing this, I'm watching the newest episode on one of my favorite shows called Taboo. Basically, the show goes over several taboo acts or whatnot all over the world and tonight's episode is about "Extreme Bodies." They started out with the usual suspects, mostly dealing with people who are pierced and tattooed. But now they've moved into a modification that I've never, ever heard of. It's called a Bagelhead, and it's becoming a craze in Japan. I just tried looking it up on Wikipedia, and there isn't even a page for it yet, just to give you some idea of just how new it is. From what I can gather on the show, they take a needle and inject saline into your forehead, but it must be close to the surface to get a result like they're showing. Once they're done with that, the piercer takes their thumb and presses down on the center of the swelling of the saline to make an indent. The result is looking like you have a little bagel under your skin. Honestly, looking at it kind of gives me a headache. Take a look...

Ok, I find this to be kind of cheating as far as modifications go, strictly speaking. After about 16 hours, your body just absorbs the saline and there's no trace of the bagelhead at all... Can you really call it a modification if it doesn't stick? Either way, I think it looks kind of ridiculous. 

Granted it's not as bad as when I first heard about Achilles Piercings a few months ago. For as much as the Bagelhead gives me a headache, the Achilles just makes me cringe. I can't stand in horror movies when people get their achilles tendon cut, it kills me every time. I mean, just one wrong move and you lose the use of your entire foot with this one. Granted, I think it would be cute, but I'd have to work up way too much courage and probably need some major sedatives in my system to get it done personally. Not to mention I'd have to find a piercer who's done it a shit-ton of times just so I knew I could trust them to do it and not leave me lame....

Friday, September 21, 2012

Anime Spotlight: Deadman Wonderland

I seem to be on a kick of watching very freaky and out-there animes lately. Oh well, it fills the time and makes life a hell of a lot more interesting when you watch freaky things. This time it's an anime my man got me hooked on called Deadman Wonderland. The original manga was illustrated by the same person who wrote and illustrated Eureka Seven for those who are fans.

The whole story starts out in the not-too-distant future where Tokyo has been completely destroyed and is in the process of being rebuilt. Ganta Igarashi was one of few who managed to escape from the destruction and is now your typical middle school student... Until the day when a mysterious man in red is seen floating outside of the third floor classroom Ganta and his friends are sitting in. Before anyone can react the Red Man launches himself through the window and proceeds to slaughter the entire class, leaving only Ganta alive. But he has something interesting planned for our main character. Before he exits, the Red Man implants a red crystal directly into Ganta's chest, causing him so much pain he passes out. But when Ganta wakes up, he finds himself at the center of the mass murder investigation and is the only suspect. He's quickly falsely accused and presumed guilty of the crime and is sentenced to Death Row in Deadman Wonderland, the only privately owned prison in the world that also acts as a theme park.

Because he's on Death Row, the collar Ganta is forced to wear injects a poison into his system constantly and the only way to help it is by eating a candy distributed by the prison. But in order to earn the candy Ganta has to either perform on stage, be a stage-hand, or get cast points by performing in deadly games the prison sets up. Now here's the big twist, Ganta finds that he and a select few other inmates are able to use their blood as weapons! And I'm talking actually lethal, blade-like, slice-you-to-ribbons weapons. Seriously, how much freakier than that can you get? And if all that didn't get you interested enough here's a lil video to hook you...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Blast From My Past: Batman The Animated Series

So anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge fan of most superheroes. While I never got into the comic aspect of Marvel and DC, I'm all over the movies and television series part. Very recently, I found out that one of my favorite shows from my childhood was not only still airing, but was still alive and well... Batman: The Animated Series! I'm not kidding! This early 90's series was my first introduction to the Dark Knight and all of his crime-fighting. While I'm not crazy about the more recent episodes where Dick Grayson becomes Night Wing and Batman takes on another apprentice to fill Robin's cape, this series still kicks ass. I mean, c'mon I'm 23 years old and this is still one of those classic T.V. shows for me. Right now it's airing on the HUB at 7, which is perfect timing for me. Although, I think the part I love most about this entire series is it's tagline, done in Batman's own voice... "I am vengeance, I am the night, I am... BATMAN!"

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Foamy is Anti-Pandas

J.M. Mathers has created his own version of World of Warcraft for Germaine to get hooked on.  As usual, Foamy tries to interject his squirrely philosophy on her obsession. Oh, and he hates pandas... Yup, he does not want pandas. So I'm guessing the Mists of Pandaria won't be on his "To Play" list...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Let the Fangasms Begin!

I have just heard amazing news everyone! The third season of Game of Thrones which will be following the story-line of the third installment of A Song of Ice and Fire trilogy by George R.R. Martin, is not only definitely on the way, but it will begin on March 31st! Now I've ahead... really ahead in the books and I can and will tell you that shit is majorly hitting the fan and you will not believe some of the things that are going to happen to some of your most beloved characters! And with that thought rolling around in your little noggin, here's something else to drive you crazy with anticipation :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Not Going to Read "Fifty Shades of Grey"

I know that some of you were probably waiting in anticipation for the day that I'd tell you all I'd be doing a review of Fifty Shades of Grey. So sorry to disappoint you all, but that day will never come. There are certain things that were not meant for the mainstream and BDSM is one of them. Especially when someone comes out with what's reported to be a crap story without even the vaguest notion of what BDSM actually is like to participate in. Despite all this, the influence has been spreading. I've heard rumors of a movie already and I only heard about this ridiculous series a couple months ago.
For those who have lived under a rock, BDSM stands for bondage, dominance, submission/sadomasochism.  And i will say right now, it is not something you just happen to pick up and try out like a freaking five-year-old with a new toy. This is more like a five-year-old running around with a fork and sticking it into a power outlet. You can get hurt if you're not careful, and very badly.
Case in point, the article I stumbled across mocking the magazine Cosmopolitan. Now I already thought their writings were dull and borderline stupid, but this just... ugh. I don't even know how to describe the level of idiocy they've just crossed into... Thankfully Nerve has laid it all out for me... Go ahead and take a look here... Just be prepared to want to bash your head against a wall...
I would've actually given you guys the original article but Cosmo's site is more disorganized than an English Major trying to build a working spacecraft...


Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Song and a Movie

Today's been particularly dreary for me, not sure if the weather has anything to do with it but either way, I've been in a major funk since I woke up. First thing that I've found that's been helping me is "Rosenrot" by Rammstein. Not entirely sure why that song's been helping my mood but when I was driving around and it came on I felt better. Here's a sample of it if you wanted to listen...

Yet again, no idea why this helped but it did.

Second thing that helped was picking up the movie The Hunger Games. I only saw this movie once when it was in theaters, but I really liked it. Despite the fact that I wasn't in the greatest mood when I first saw it either, I was still able to enjoy it. It kind of reminded me of a more sophisticated version of Battle Royale. Slightly different premise to the whole "make young adults fight to the death" thing. BR (Battle Royale) the game came out of the younger populace of Japan rebelling against the adults and doing whatever they wanted, an entire class is chosen by special lottery, they don't get training, they're just thrown into the battle on some deserted island. Whereas HG (Hunger Games) comes out of the slightly typical clash of different social classes, lower class separated into different districts, a boy and a girl are chosen from each, they receive counseling and training, etc. etc.
I think I have a preference for HG mostly because it has a slightly more developed story line that obviously continues on once the movie is over (I'm currently waiting in anticipation for the next installment). It still has the action and blood and guts fighting that I love for action movies but has the lovely little underlying issue of the social classes being so at odds with each other and having one of the most uneasy truces I've ever seen portrayed in entertainment. I've never read the books, but due to my finances it's probably going to be quite a while before I'm able to get to them.
Either way, here's hoping I'll eventually get into a better mood, preferably before I have to go into work tomorrow morning...

Friday, September 7, 2012

Freakin' Auto Correct

Yes, my lovelies, there is a new Foamy episode sweeping the internet. This time Germaine is plagued by that "helpful" little tool called the auto-correct. I've been victimized by this as well during my time, had plenty of my "fucks" turned into "ducks" and so on and so forth... Not to mention you get to see Foamy lob a wad of creamy cheese at Germaine's face... And no, it doesn't look like cream cheese after it makes contact...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lindsey Stirling Meets Game of Thrones

The music and Game of Thrones nerds in me just met and performed the most embarrassing yet awesome nerd dance in the world. Hey, you get the most amazing violinist I've ever heard and match her up with a series I've been obsessing over since it first started the HBO series and this is what you get... Nerd dances of glory galore... Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Anime Spotlight: Soul Eater

I figured it was time to introduce another fun little anime for you all to add to your increasing collection of "Must Watch Some Day." This time it's an anime called Soul Eater. Long story short, the Grim Reaper himself decided to not only build a city, but also an academy to recruit young Meisters (kind of like demon hunters) and Weapons to work together to train to defeat evil beings called kishin. A kishin is the form a soul of an evil person takes on after they die. It's main characters are Maka and Soul. Maka is seeking to turn Soul into a Death Scythe by collecting 99 kishin souls and the soul of a witch, but her plans go awry when they have to collect the witch's soul. They wind up having to start all over again but things at the Death Weapon Meister Academy begin to turn weirder than normal. Soon, Maka and Soul have to team up with the egotistical Black Star and his Weapon Tsubaki and the son of the Grim Reaper himself, Death the Kid, and his Weapons Liz and Patty. The series starts off pretty weird and steadily gets creepier and creepier. Personally, my favorite character is Dr. Franken Stein... Yeah, you read that right. This guy's nuts, and honestly... I find him kinda hott. I know, I'm weird, DON'T JUDGE ME! Here's a little clip to get you even more curious, enjoy!