Tuesday, April 12, 2011


You want to talk about a manga that has some majorly freaky stuff in it, look no further. This particular manga is actually based in the U.S. rather than Japan, which I'm fine with because then I don't have to worry about the translation getting screwed up. So far there's been seven books published and I, along with all the other fans, are anxiously awaiting the eighth which is rumored to be the final chapter for the series. The whole series is written and illustrated by the artist, M. Alice LeGrow. LeGrow also has her own Deviantart page where she features characters from Bizenghast as well as other drawings she's done.
The whole series takes place close to a New England town called Bizenghast. Recently orphaned Dinah is plagued with the ability to see and hear ghosts, which makes her aunt think that she's crazy. Her only friend, Vincent, is the sole person she can talk to about these ghosts who will believe her. One day they sneak out and find a very strange looking mausoleum. Dinah somehow manages to sign her name away on a contract that forces her to return to the mausoleum every night and help free the multitude of angry spirits that reside there. Only once all of the spirits are placated can Dinah be set free. Along the way she meets some interesting characters like Bali-Lali, Edaniel, and Edrear who help her to free the ghosts. I can't wait for the final chapter to come out, the seventh book left it off at a cliff-hanger and I'm dieing to figure what happens.


  1. This actually looks really cool, I like the surreal art to it. I studied surreal art for awhile in high school and got really into it until..you know, I stopped drawing. lol. I wouldn't mind reading this manga at all, actually. And speaking of manga and art...I know we all hate Twilight, but my boyfriend's mom loves it so I got her the manga for her birthday last year and the art in it is really nice. It's worth checking out at least for the illustration side of it.

  2. that violin dress is HOT. she writes and illustrates it too? she's got some serious talent. I love it.

  3. I agree with Kaylie!

    Beyond that, this sounds like something I'd like. I seem to say similar things a lot around here.

  4. Thanks for the support, Janelle! lol

  5. I am SUCH a fan of these books. I picked up a copy of the 1st chapter when it first came out, about 5 or 6 years ago and I've been hooked ever since! I seriously reccomend this book to anyone who is looking for something funny (and a bit creepy a times) to read.
