Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Repo! The Genetic Opera

This is the new Rocky Horror Picture Show. Repo! The Genetic Opera is set somewhere in the near future. Organs are failing left and right and the world falls into complete chaos. Dramatic, no? But when hope seems lost, a big evil corporation rises up to save everyone called Geneco. They even offer organ financing for those who can't pay for their operations at the time. Aw, isn't that sweet? Surgeries become the new fashion statement of the century. The only downside is when people aren't able to pay Geneco back for their borrowed organs. If they fall behind on their payments a Repo Man comes to take the organs back. And all this is set to rock-opera music.
But Repo! didn't actually start off as a movie, it started out as a performance piece. The original name was "The Necromerchant's Debt" back in 1996 and was thought up by Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich. After a while, their ideas kept on expanding until Repo! was the finished product. When the full-length film came out in 2008, both Smith and Zdunich had roles, Smith as a band leader and Zdunich as Graverobber (who has become the new sex-symbol of the goth world). And fun fact, not only is Zdunich a writer, creator, actor, and composer for Repo! but he also has his own comic book series called "The Molting." Repo! even has its own site which you can look at here. If you haven't seen this film, you have to, especially if you liked The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
And I feel compelled to say this last bit. Repo Men did not come first and those who came up with it are thieves. Because of them, Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich were investigated for copyright infringement when they're the ones who came up with all of this. There's even a rip-off of the drug "Zydrate" in the Repo Men film. And Smith and Zdunich can't even sue them for copyright because the film doesn't use names or any specifics, just the ideas. *Insert ragingly angry face here* I have no respect for this film or those involved with it especially when producers from Universal admitted to being in the audience during one of the Repo! performances and took notes on it. Just had to mention that...


  1. I've been really, really wanting to see this since I heard about it, and I didn't even know the plot. So thanks! And you keep posting movies I really want to see, which remind me to add them to my Netlix list when I have the room.

  2. This movie is hilarious. Paris Hilton's face makes this movie a wonderful watch.

  3. oooo the goth world has a sex symbol. :D share more of these beautiful men please lol and this looks crazy as hell. I'm a big Rocky Horror fanatic, but I've never even heard of this. The concept is great. I love the original name for the performance piece. They should've kept it!
