Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Horror Flicks

Horror movies are one of the favorite pastimes of the underground world. Now the normal reactions we have to horror movies (at least the good ones) aren't like most other peoples' reactions. We tend to laugh hysterically when the villain or monster shreds someone. I'm not exception to this. I find blood, guts, and gore in film awesome and entertaining. But in order to have a good film, you can't just have the gore-factor, which is all most modern horror movies have. That and a lot of unneeded sex scenes. O.K. a sex scene here and there can be entertaining and sometimes funny, especially when the monster decides to appear right at that moment and mutilate the unsuspecting lovers. But honestly, sex scenes are boring when placed next to a great villain, such as Jason, Michael Myers, and Mr. Freddy Kreuger here (my favorite villain of all time). That the overly-used gore factor in the new horror movies just doesn't cut it for the horror-lovers anymore. You have to add in suspense and thrill and a good plot-line. If there's no good plot-line, you can kiss your ratings and ticket sales goodbye. Horror directors these days need to go back to the basics, like Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street. This is going to be weird to say, but I find horror flicks from the 80's and before freakier than horror movies today, partially because of how the guts and gore were designed. There's just something about how gritty and disgusting they made everything instead of these sleek gore scenes they have today. An exception to this rash of bad horror movies is Silent Hill. Based on the video game series, this movie has some of the coolest and creepiest creatures you're likely to see as well as a pretty decent plot. Another exception is the remake of Halloween, directed by Rob Zombie. Hard to believe isn't it? That a remake of an originally kick-ass horror flick can actually be good. But it's true.


  1. This is the first time I've heard someone call sex scenes boring

  2. Eh if you watch too many horror movies that have them they get old pretty quick... Not to mention that any new horror flicks are half-way to being pornos anyway

  3. lol! All I have to say is I love Nightmare on Elm Street, and Rob Zombie is my favorite modern day horror director by far.

  4. Can I just say that I have seen every Freddy, Jason, and Michael movie at least 5 times. I'm also a huge fan of Chuckie. My mom will never let me get the Chuckie dolls from Spencer's though. :( She said she doesn't want it in the house, because it freaks her out. I think it's cute. lol Also, one of my top five favorite movies of all time is Halloween Resurrection, when he finally kills Jamie Curtis. I know it isn't as good as some of the originals, but the concept was pretty awesome, in my opinion.

  5. Also, my friends say that I'm the only one they'll go see scary movies with, because I laugh the whole time, and I make them laugh. I also share your appreciation for someone being hacked to death (usually because of their own stupidity) and laughing at it.

  6. Halloween. Can't beat originals but Rob Zombie did work.

  7. I'm a huge horror movie fan. Always have been. But I actually want to be scared, and I've desensitized myself to nearly everything to the point the I laughed when I saw The Exorcist. I laughed so hard that I cried.
