Friday, February 25, 2011

Gothic Artist: Brom

His full name is Gerald Brom, but those in the underground just know him as Brom. Brom not only has alternative artworks, but it also an author and conceptual designer for movies, video games, and board games. The guy is literally everywhere. The picture that you see on the right is his own personal work he displays in his most recent book called The Child Thief. Essentially he combines the worlds of Peter Pan and Avalon to create a story about a boy who's run away from home. As he's in the midst of trouble, Peter swoops down and saves him and promises to take him to a magical land where he'll never grow up and never have to deal with his problems again. The downside to this offer? The world of Avalon is dieing thanks to some puritans who found themselves stuck in the land ever since the 1800's. And as Avalon dies, so does the Lady of the Lake, Peter's adopted mother. So far that's the only book of his that I've actually read, but he has plenty of others such as; The Devil's Rose, The Plucker, and Offerings. And his artwork is featured in all of them, and they are creepy. I mean, just look at Peter... admit it, he creeps you out just a little. But his artwork has also been featured on other book covers like the War of the Spider Queen series. He's also been a concept designer for films like Van Helsing, The Time Machine, Bless the Child, and Sleepy Hollow. And for all you nerds out there, he even did work for not only the video game versions of Dungeons and Dragons, but also for Magic: The Gathering. See what I mean? He's everywhere. For more info on him and to see some more of his personal artwork, I recommend going to his site and checking it all out.


  1. It's so weird that you mention that he works with video games. I looked at the picture and thought, "I should really ask Rin about those online games." I don't even know what to call them. They're kind of like the Sims, but for gothic and other alternative lifestyles. Everyone that I know who is part of those groups has their own avatar things, I guess you could call them. They are online versions of themselves, complete with corsets and piercings. It's really neat and personalized. Are you a part of any of those virtual communities?

  2. Nah I tried one before and hated it so I never got into them.
