Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Goth Fashion

What's the first retail store you think of when you hear "goth fashion"? I'll give you a hint, look to your left. Hot Topic, right? Well, believe it or not, most goths hate Hot Topic these days. If you take a look even in their online stores, you won't find too many things that smack of gothic-wear there. O.K. they still have the traditional, old school shirts and other merchandise that has things like Invader Zim and other old Nickelodean cartoons, those are cool. But more often than not, the main interest is going to be on Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga and Twilight. *Insert gagging noises here at the mention of all three.* More often than not, goths hate these things for the sheer reason that they are annoying and way too over-hyped as well as unoriginal. Don't get me wrong, you can still find some decent stuff at Hot Topic, but their good stuff pretty much went out once the "skinny jean" fad started taking over.
So at this point you might be asking yourself, "If I can't find good gothic clothes at Hot Topic, then where can I go?" Not to worry, there are still plenty of places you can go, and a lot of them are pretty affordable. If you're looking specifically looking for Tripp pants (Tripp is actually the brand name) short of doing a search on ebay for them, I'd recommend the online store provided by Vampirefreaks. You're a lot more likely to find the good old-fashioned goth-wear from the 90's here. For those who have a problem with cursing, I warn you ahead of time about the name of the store, but please don't let that deter you from all the great stuff they have.
If you don't mind paying a little extra for clothes that are going to last you forever, go on over to an online store called Dracinabox. This is a store based in the UK, thus why everything shows up in Euros instead of dollars. The clothing here is a bit more elegantly based, but they still have your basic shirts and pants to order.
To be honest, you can find gothic clothing almost anywhere you go. Want to know why? There's really no rules about how to dress gothic. I mean yeah, black and red and purple are pretty much essential colors in a goth's wardrobe, but whatever you like to wear, wear it. I've found stuff in shops like Charlotte Russe that I like to wear, the instances may be few and far between but it nonetheless still happens. Goths are interesting in wearing clothes that they are comfortable in and that last a long time. Thus explains the Tripp pants since they offer plenty of room or your legs and last for years. Whether they're the latest fad or the oldest and most outdated thing you've ever seen, if we like it we'll wear it.


  1. What's funny to me about this is that most of us non-goths have come to hate hot topic now also.
    If I have to see one more Justin Bieber shirt, I might shoot myself.
    I love their makeup and nail polish, I will admit.
    Although it isn't one of my favorite stores, it used to have its own unique image.
    Now I feel like it's one big Edward Cullen fest.
    You guys are not alone in your opinions of this place.

  2. Also, can I just say that the Lip Service Leopard Skull Thigh Hi Socks from the VampireFreaks store are amazing? I would wear them, as well as anything purple.

  3. I was in Hot Topic the other day with my 10-year-old son and thought how non-Goth it is, but how cute. Adorable, even. Perfect for a 10-year-old shopping for Mario plushies. Also, the Hot Topic in Monroeville carries Zotz. Green apple flavored, even. Not Goth, I know, but Zotz are delicious. :) (Also, I bought a mood ring. Do not judge me.)

  4. It's also one of the only stores where I can still find sour punch straws. Those things are the bomb! And I do like their mood rings too :)

  5. Yeaa, totally true. I remember when Hot Topic first came to mall venue existence. I bought a pair of elephant pants and Emily shirts and buttons. Shoelaces were my biggest thing at Hot Topic. I lovvedd their shoe laces.

    The last time I was in Hot Topic was with my mom and she made the comment.. Hot Topic is so.. bright and colorful. hahahaha Great post.

  6. I was scoping out their pink hair dye last time I was there. Obviously I didn't buy it, but still.
