Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Adrian's Undead Diary

Anyone who knows me at least decently well will not hesitate to tell you that I get tired of zombie movies really quickly. Reason being? Zombies don't scare me anymore. I'm serious, when 28 Days Later came out everyone was going on and on about how "It's the scariest zombie movie ever!" That alone kept me skeptical since Hollywood hasn't been able to produce a single zombie movie that's even managed to make me jump since I started getting into the horror genre. And when I finally managed to watch it, my reaction was thus... "Oh, ok, naked guy in a deserted hospital. Why is he not getting attacked, oh wait there we go." Repeat the second statement about a dozen times and you have my full review of the movie. Not to mention the nearly endless series of Resident Evil movies that continue to plague the theaters. Yes, I like Milla Jovovich, but there's only so many movies you can make out her being badass with superhuman powers and killing zombies out of hatred for her old employer for opening this can of cannibalistic worms in the first place. Yeah, call me desensitized to all hell but zombies do not scare me. They make me laugh hysterically. Yet, my friend Mike has rejuvenated my love of the walking dead and shown me the delights of a blog called "Adrian's Undead Diary." Basically the entire thing is set up as a journal of a guy who is trying to survive during a zombie apocalypse. But instead of it being filled to the brim with the who, what, where, when, and why as to how the apocalypse came about, it gives a more realistic twist to it and throws its hands up in the air and says "We give up! There's zombies running around, so get a gun in your hand and run your ass off in the opposite direction!"  Even the CDC can't pinpoint the origins of the disease. The whole thing is told from Adrian's point of view, who you don't know that much about other than he is a big man with a lot of tattoos who knows how to handle himself around violent situations. Granted I'm only about four journal entries deep so far, so maybe that changes later. Nevertheless, go and check this thing out. The entire site has the full archives of the entries, fan art, and even merchandise. It's pretty damn cool.

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