Saturday, January 15, 2011

Image Issues

(Note that these images are courtesy of Google)
When you think of the term "goth", what's the first thing to come to mind? Probably something along the lines of these characters correct? These two are some well-known villains from Disney films; Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty and the Evil Queen from Snow White. These ladies have plenty of things in common with modern goths right off the bat.
1) They dress in dark clothing.
2) They're loners.
3) They have altered perceptions of the world.
No, I'm not saying that Disney causes the world to have a negative view on goths or metal-heads, but the images don't exactly help either. The biggest contrast that is usually overlooked when comparing goths to Disney Villains is that goths aren't out to destroy happiness or kill people. Mostly goths and others like them tend to get anti-social because no one outside their groups want to risk coming near them. The best way to break that trend? Go and talk to them. We're not going to bite your head off just for saying "hello" and being friendly.


  1. This is my favorite post of all the blogs, EVER. Way to be straight-forward and tell it like it is. You're completely right. It usually is everyone else that stays away from them, because they don't understand them. Awesome idea for a post. Also, Maleficent is my favorite Disney villain. :)

  2. Cool! She's my favorite villain too!
