Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Common Enemy

This title has probably got your brains working into thinking: A common enemy between us and them? Hmmmm... Yes, there is in fact, a group that both above-grounders and under-grounders have come to loathe because of their behavior... EMOS. Now please note that in order to qualify as one of this hated group, the person must have the attitude, which is the most annoying aspect. Now the way to tell if someone is an Emo, superficially at least, is to look at their appearance. Ask yourself the important questions. Do they look like they have more piercings than tattoos? Do they have mysterious markings (i.e. cutting marks) in conspicuous places? Could their hair be described as a reverse mullet? Do their pants look like they are crushing the life out of every sperm in their testicles or egg in their ovaries? Do they bear any resemblance, whether in personality or appearance, to the character on the top-left? If you have answered yes to the majority of these questions, then odds are you can confirm that this person is Emo. This appearance differs greatly from a Goth. If you look at the picture below the first one (note that this is me and one of my friends) you can notice quite a few differences. One, we have visible tattoos and less piercings. Two, neither of us are wearing ball-suffocating pants. Three, we aren't afraid to smile and look happy.
But, as I said, it isn't so much the appearance of Emos that irritates us Goths and metal-heads. It's the attitude they display. A typical Emo is whiny, attention-grabbing, and otherwise pathetic. Unlike Goths, Emos do what they do to get attention. This includes everything from their piercings to cutting to just plain bitching about why their lives suck. Seriously, who wants to sit around and listen to that every day?
Actually, calling a Goth or metal-head an Emo is one of the worst insults you could possibly pay us. Call us whatever else you want (bastard, slut, bitch, etc.) and we'll probably laugh at you. But call us an Emo and all bets are off.


  1. I found this post very informative. I never knew the distinct qualities of an Emo. But anyway, thanks for giving me a few answers.

  2. This post was funny and very true! I think whether they dress how you described or not, no one likes people that can't find anything positive in life, especially when they have a good bit to be happy about.

  3. Yeah, my friends would always make fun of our one friend because he was so whiny about everything we would say he should hang out with the Emos instead of us.

  4. So funny and so spot-on! Reverse mullet, especially. Great post, Rin. Your voice and humor and sense of audience are just terrific. And not at all Emo. Not at all.

  5. HAHAHAHA Do they have mysterious cutting marks in conspicuous places? This really just described them perfectly. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.

  6. I got called emo in high school sometimes. We wore uniforms.
