Sunday, February 5, 2012

No, I'm not Watching the Superbowl

I have a complete and utter hatred of American Football. For one it shouldn't even have that name. What Americans call soccer is the original holder of the name football, and it fits a hell of a lot better. Not to mention football is just a bastardized version of rugby, but I'm not going to get into that. Two, I find it boring as all hell. There's almost no kind of continuous action to follow. It's all; run, smash, throw, run, smash, repeat until someone actually scores. Three, the point system is just ridiculous. Why should you earn 6 points for every completed touchdown? Make it something reasonable like 2 at least! Four, I have the misfortune to live close to Pittsburgh, home of the worst football nuts in the country. Remember, this was the place where its inhabitants trashed their own city after WINNING the Superbowl... Yeah, these cheeseheads trashed their own city because they couldn't control themselves even after their team won! Seriously, how much more idiotic can you get than that? It's like half these people have their lives revolve around this stupid sport, to the point where gods forbid you ask them to do something to take their attention off it for even a couple minutes. Like last year for example, my now ex-fiancee and I were at my mother's house to watch the Superbowl. It was getting close to the time we had to leave so I asked my ex to go out to the car and get my kitten's blanket so it wouldn't be so cold for him when we put him in his carrier. My ex, my mother, and my mother's boyfriend all reacted with something close to outrage at me asking him to do this simple thing that would require maybe two minutes of his time so that way our kitten wouldn't run the chance of getting sick. After a bout of yelling, I threatened to make him pay for any future veterinarian bills if we had to take the kitten to the vet and he got the blanket. So yeah, in short, I hate football. Always have and always will and I don't care who wins the stupid Superbowl this year or any year for that matter...  

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