Thursday, February 16, 2012

Band Spotlight: Indica

In my eternal attempt to bring good music to the masses, I once again ventured out in the musical realm to try and find something new and original. This is harder to find when you've picked through every single symphonic metal group imaginable and only found a handful to meet your criteria... Yeah, I'm going with symphonic metal lately, can you blame me? Well, that good old standby Finland has come through with flying colors. Why is it that Finland and all those Nordic places tend to have the best musicians and bands? Yes, I'm tired and given to rambling so let's get back to the subject shall we?

Anyway, while browsing through an already browsed list of related music on Amazon, I happened upon a sweet little band called Indica. Five lovely ladies first started this band back in 2001 singing in their native language, but have recently turned to English in their newest album "A Way Away" and they do not disappoint. I first listened to the song "Children of Frost" on youtube and I was instantly taken back to the days of watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. It has that sweet but creepy feel to the songs and the lead singer's voice is off-tune but very melodic. Not to mention all the ladies in the band are completely hot, score one there for all of you. For more fun info you can go and visit their site. If you haven't given them a shot already, you definitely should. In the meantime, here's a little tidbit of "Children of Frost" for you all to enjoy...

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