Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Foamy's Voting for Humans... Wait... What?!

Yeah, I'm not kidding... Foamy just had an episode where Foamy is actually showing some love for the human race. Granted it's sarcastic and raging love, but it is love nonetheless. And it's way more love than I'm generally inclined to show to my fellow man and woman at large. I will give him the utter ridiculousness that occurs when it comes between donating to poor children and starving animals. People tend to choose the animals over the children, yet honestly, I still can't find myself caring that much. The utter stupidity of the parents of the starving child deters any kind of affection I might have had for the child. People, if you can't even feed yourself, then for the love of the gods keep your legs closed, keep your dick in your pants, and remain abstinent! Being a misanthrope, I have way more affection for animals than I do for people. It's a question of would I rather deal with an animal that relies entirely on instinct, or a human that is capable of intellectual thought but refuses to even entertain the idea? Animal wins every time... Sorry Foamy, for the first time I disagree with you...

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