Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bring Out Your Wild Side

Now there's going to be a ton of people who read this post and instantly will get turned off to what it's about. Have an open mind people, that's the whole reason I started this thing, to try and get people to have more of an open mind about things they're unfamiliar with. And this is one thing I can guarantee most of you aren't actually familiar with aside from their television reputation (which doesn't count for anything)...

Yes, furries. This weekend Pittsburgh is playing host to the biggest furry convention in the U.S. called Anthrocon. And get your cursor away from that search bar! Right now! 

This is going to be my first time going and, just like most of your reactions right now, I was incredibly uneasy at the idea of going. But after talking to my boyfriend I figured, "What the hell? Don't knock it til you try it." And that's exactly what I'm doing. I'll be going in cat getup, complete with a tail and matching ears along with whiskers and I'm not afraid to admit it. I know furries tend to get a bad rap, but then again so do most of the lifestyles and groups I tend to hang out with, so this really isn't that much different for me. I mean, I have attended Tekkoshocon with regularity so long as my funds allowed for it. 

I hope some of you will be brave enough to give it a try along with me. It's starting tomorrow and it continues on through the entire weekend. There will be tons of people there from all over the world there. According to my man, people are already starting the celebrations downtown, so keep an eye out. Hope I see some of you there!

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