Monday, May 30, 2011

Needing Validation = LAME!

Once again Jonathan Ian Mathers has hit the nail on the head and driven it into the very hearts and minds of posers. In his newest installment of Foamy the Squirrel (awesome online cartoon series, you need to watch it NOW) the loveable, human-hating squirrel rants about those who call themselves when they are really just among those who feel the need to validate themselves as a member of a particular outcast group in order to have a sense of identity. This is STUPID. I have known several people who are like this and I have drop-kicked their asses out of my life in a heartbeat. Just because you call yourself a goth, metalhead, punk, wiccan, or whatever, that does not mean it entirely consumes who you are. You need to be yourselves people and not latch onto whatever social group is convenient for you in order to have a legitimate form of a personality. And when you get the people who are always going on about how they are "enlightened" because they think a different way, that just makes me want to repeatedly bash my head against the wall. My friend Jeff gave me the perfect example of this. He regrettably got caught in a conversation with someone like this who kept going on and on about how he "sees the world differently." Jeff's first reaction? "Within the past few minutes I've figured out at least twelve different ways to kill you." Now that's seeing the world differently people, not to this whole "enlightened" bullshit. Foamy actually says it really well, watch and learn.

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