Saturday, August 4, 2012

Why Goths Want to be Anti-Social Pt. 5

While I was going to post something happy and exciting about the recent Rockstar Metal Mayhem that passed through Pittsburgh, this has slightly side-tracked me... O.K. it's really side-tracked me, mostly because it shows what I've been ranting and raving about our country's broken, beaten, crippled, and just flat-out retarded justice system. Read it and weep people...

It's a little long-winded but please read it. This poor girl was not only violated, but also humiliated yet now, she's the one standing to face jail-time while her rapists don't even have to register with the Federal Sex-Offenders or anything. There is no justice in this country, the best you can hope for is to stay in your house and stay away from all the crazies. And even then, if someone breaks into YOUR home, there are only certain instances where you are fully within your rights to harm that person; 1) you can't attack them if they're running away or have their back turned 2) if you physically injure them without killing them, they can still sue you 3) if they throw down whatever weapon they have or they are lacking a weapon then gods forbid you attack them with one...

This fucking sickens me. When a justice system allows assailants to sue their victims there is no justice system! Our justice system is an escape route for the scum that runs rampant on our streets. Where's the Boondock Saints when you need them...

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