Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Two Updates

So, my little gothlings, I've accomplished two different things within the past week or so. If you've already read my previous post about the newly remade Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, you know that I've been torn on how much I actually liked it. But now I have a definitive answer to that question! Drum roll please...

I LIKED IT! Yes, I actually enjoyed the remake of a movie that I thought was the most amazing thing on the face of the planet. And one that I've been compared to the main character of, much to my delight. Nonetheless, David Fincher has thoroughly impressed me with his new rendition. Although, I do have to point out a couple of the flaws that I noticed in the film. For one, while the opening credit sequence is the most badass thing ever, it doesn't transition very well into the opening scene for the film. All this freaky action with wires and a viscous liquid is going on then all of a sudden your plopped down in front of Daniel Craig walking down a set of stairs... Rather anticlimactic... Number two, I think it's a relatively difficult film to follow for people who don't know the basic story line. The friend who I was watching it with seemed to get confused fairly often. Either that or he's just really impatient and knew that I knew the plot and wanted to figure it out before everything happened.  

And for the second update... I've finally managed to play all the way through Dante's Inferno and finished it a couple days ago. Overall I enjoyed it, but it was definitely lacking something. It wasn't disjointed or anything like that, in fact for an environment that was supposed to be pretty segregated into various areas, it worked pretty well. I think Dante was a little on the shallow side as a character, as was his woman Beatrice. In fact everyone kind of was, minus the Devil but... Hey, he's the Devil, how much more do you want or need to know about him? Other than that though, still an awesome game... And at times kind of disturbing... 


  1. Thanks for the film review! I've been thinking of seeing it myself, but wasn't sure if I'd be disappointed or not.

  2. It really depends on how open of a mind you have going into it. If you can forget that it was already made then you'll probably like it.
