Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Anti-Valentines Day

Yeah, I know we're still a couple weeks away from V-Day, but the simple fact is that I already can't stand hearing about it anymore. I couldn't stand hearing about it when they first started putting the Valentine's Day candy out on the shelves at Target... Plain and simple fact is that any other time of year I'm perfectly content to be single, but right around this time of year, all the stupid romance is shoved so far down your throat its going to come out the other end without any kind of digestion involved. Subsequently, it also makes you want to punch every happy couple you see in the face with little or no explanation. True, maybe most of this anger and ranting is coming from the fact that this is the first time I'll be single on V-Day in almost three years but hey... At least I'm not alone, Germaine knows what I'm talking about...

Ok, maybe it's not entirely what I mean... Ok, fine, it's pretty much exactly the same... Don't judge me!

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