Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gothic Manga: Vampire Doll

This is one comic book that pretty much anyone can enjoy even if they aren't a goth or metalhead. I stumbled across this particular one quite a few years ago when I first started to seriously read manga (Japanese comic books). Essentially the idea of the story is that the spirit this feared and ruthless vampire lord from the days of yore, Guilt-Na-Zan

is released from the confines of a crucifix it was put it thanks to the descendant of an exorcist and instead of placing the spirit back in his original body, the descendant decides to put it into this body...And as if a vampire lord trapped in the body of a very pretty female doll wasn't enough, the descendant decides to have the vampire lord do his housework and become his maid. In order to change back to his normal form and regain his powers, Guilt-Na-Zan must drink the blood of the exorcist's little sister, and if he does it without permission he's punished with wearing frilly dresses and more housework. Just the random moments that feature Guilt-Na-Zan freaking out are hilarious. And when more characters, such as Guilt-Na's loyal bat servant Vincent, get into it, chaos tends to break loose and more hilarity ensues. I recommend this to pretty much everyone and anyone who likes to read comics of any kind and who likes to laugh.


  1. The Japanese always come up with the most interesting comic/cartoon plots...I love it!

  2. Frilly dresses and more housework! Not that!

  3. Another interesting fact about me... I used to be really into the Deathnote series. I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but knowing you and your appreciation for a wide range of things, you probably have. My friend used to read them and made me watch the new episodes with her every weekend. Then when she got the books, I started to read them when she would finish one. I should ask her if I can borrow them and finish them. I'm actually into things like this, which is surprising, because fiction writing of any kind isn't really my thing.
