Sunday, February 6, 2011

Band Spotlight: The Crüxshadows

Another band that is completely addicting once you start listening to them. The Crüxshadows are definitely not metal but are definitely alternative. I guess they could technically be considered techno, but there's so much going on with their music it's impossible to pin them down with a single label. They were first formed down in Florida in 1992 with help from their singer Rogue (pale guy with the awesome dreads). Since then they have released ten full albums and almost as many EP's and singles. Their list of band members over the years is longer than my arm so you can go here for the full view. Possibly one of the coolest things about their music are the lyrics. Rogue is very easy to understand when he sings and has such a unique voice it gives you the chills at certain points, like when he does a reading of "Annabel Lee" on the final track of Paradox Addendum. The lyrics focus a lot on Egyptian and Greek mythology and even the ones that don't are pretty much unforgettable.
Another awesome aspect of this band is seeing them in concert. I've seen the play before a couple years ago when Pegasus was still open, and it was amazing. For those who don't know, Pegasus was a small club before it closed, and if you get to see The Crüxshadows in any setting, I would recommend a club or a similar setting. The reason? The band actually goes out into the crowd as they play, and not just Rogue, even their violinist got up onto the bar table and played from there. Rogue started out the performance by wading through the crowd and even danced with the fans while singing. Not to mention they're all really nice and super cool people. Here's a little link to their site for merchandise and more. For now, sample some of their music below.


  1. Dragonfly is an awesome video. The girl's pink hair is just so neat. The guy's hair just fascinates me, and you're right, he's really easy to understand. I can't believe they've been around for so long, and I haven't heard of them. I hope they end up getting more mainstream soon, but without losing the individuality in their music. Also, I can hear what you mean about not being able to label them as one genre. In the first thirty seconds of the songs, I can already hear techno, pop, a bit of Asian influence, some rock, and something that I can't really place. It's pretty awesome.

  2. They're actually really well-known in the underground world. They've been touring for years and their concerts are always packed. The just get ignored by the outside world because they're associated with goth.
